Thursday, April 17, 2008

Water water everwhere and not a drop to Pink....

That was a lame title - I apologize. This may not be the greatest pink thing ever - but it's pink, and it's part of my training, so HERE'S TO PINK WATERBOTTLES.

I picked up this bad-boy at Michaels for a cool $1.39 - can we say BARGAIN???

Well - that's all I have to say about the water bottle,.. hmmm how can I fill space?
Oh! We had our "Taste of Newnan" tonight where local restaurants and other folks come and sell food for "tokens". Each token is $1 and you can set your token level for whatever food items you sell. We sold nachos, boiled peanuts, cherry pound cake, brownies, and our chocolate suckers. Overall we did pretty good - we sold about $500 worth of stuff. Now some of that has to be reimbursed for the food we purchased, and some goes to the Taste of Newnan, but overall not too shabby!

While trying to get everyone's attention to come buy our stuff - I came up with a few "cheers" if you will.... May as well list them here right?

"Save your Teets, Buy our Sweets"
"Save the Chachos, Buy our Nachos"
"Cows for a Cure"
"Show us your Tips" (We were trying to get Cow Tips haha - get it? Cow Tips?)
"Buy our Pounds for the Mounds" (referring to the pound cake)

Now we are contemplating having a booth at a motorcycle and car show - I'll have to come up with something super raunchy to holler at the men hahahahaha

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