Friday, February 29, 2008

Tie Dye Party!!!

We had our tie dye party tonight at Mary Ann's. Tons of fun and a few pair of pink hands. I can't wait to see how they all turn out!! We just started twisting and rubberbanding so we will see! Here are a few pics, enjoy!

Lots of t-shirts to dye - trying to figure out our method.

Already quite a few wrapped up ready to dye

Celebrating a successful dye job with some food and wine.

Our t-shirts - about 25 of them - bundled up to sit overnight.

And the after effects of not wearing gloves!!!


Sunday, February 24, 2008

More Miles!!

Just got in from a 4 mile walk in the park with Mary Ann! It was a lovely day and an easy walk! We did 2 miles around one way - and 2 miles the other. Hopefully we can get more folks on the walk with us next time (hint hint).

I conned Mary Ann into walking the Peachtree with me this year - so anyone else that is planning to do the Peachtree and wants to walk - join our group of walkers. If you weren't planning on doing it - you should. It's soooo much fun.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tie Dye Fun

Testing out the tie dye... I needed to leave it on overnight so it would be darker, but I got impatient. I found that if you mist the tshirt down with some water it helps the dye to take better and it leaves less white - I guess on the flip side if you want more white (I think I do for the next one) you can leave the shirt a little dryer when dying.

Anyway - here it is. We will put our logo on (actually Plane Stitches will - it and wear them around town and on our walks and what not.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Cow Suckers

Just playing around with some ideas - decided to try out the cow suckers... I think they turned out pretty cute. I definitely need more forms - I dont think it will work to just make 5 at a time. They actually werent that hard to make. I just need to figure out what to do for the eyes and nose. I have some cake decorating pens that I used to draw on the grass and eyes... but for some reason the mouth didnt want to draw. Must have been the slick surface.

Well - enough with chocolate - I need to go do tae bo! :)


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Website Is Up!

Well - I was up till 6am this morning finishing it, but the website is up. I guess I shouldn't have said I was "finishing" it -because it still has a ways to go - but at least the forum is up, the pages are in place, and it's ready for content and photos.

If you have a moment, please go check it out. You can even click on our forum and send us well wishes or words of encouragement!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

1st unofficial training walk!

I went to the park today and did my first 3 mile walk since I've joined Udder Perfection. It was easy breezy. I could have done a bit more but the hubby and I just started a photography class and wanted to scout out some more photo spots. Anyway - check out my mad photography skills - I snapped a photo of our "Udder Perfection" awareness ribbon right when I started walking.


Lots of news!

First off - I received my packet in the mail with my (un)official lanyard and pin... and handbook that is relatively big (do they make cliffs notes for those things?)
We also had the 2nd meeting for Udder Perfection and came up with some AWESOME ideas!!!! We are going to have a t-shirt making party for our t-shirts to wear around town, and then I think we will get our 2nd batch of t-shirts made closer to the walk. We are waiting to hear from some big sponsors (hint hint: chick fil a, bank of coweta, summit healthplex...)
The girls loved my cow-ribbon idea (thanks Fran from It is a cow grosgrain ribbon with a pink ribbon underneath... then held in place with a black safety pin with pink beads. It's totally cute - if you donate you'll get one! Do it.
We are going to have an official Kick off party I think May 8th. But I'll work on a website so that everyone can stay informed.
Anyway - too much to tell... You'll be able to read our meeting minutes on the website and I can save this blog for my personal achievements etc. (gotta start walking!!)
Until then...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ready to Start

I just got back from a snowboarding trip in Salt Lake City, Utah... and I'm sure that's GOTTA count for training right?
Ok, maybe not. But I'm ready... We have a team meeting on Wed and I have a few ideas to share. I'll post them up here when I hear what everyone has to say.
Until then...


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One more thing...

I'd like to give shout outs to my friends that own businesses who were kind enough to donate. (If anyone else needs a shameless plug that I missed - please let me know)
Natalie Daughtry -
Michelle Humphries -
Tina Heil - and an organization she's working with
and my lovely sister Caron Rich -
Thanks yall!!

Lets get moooooooving

Ok - so my "training" hasn't officially started... but I have been doing 50 minutes of Tae Bo every day which should count for SOMETHING right?? I'll start my walking training when we get back from SNOWBOARDING -BA-BY!
On another note - I've been using my maaad marketing skills to come up with some very cutsey ideas to get team "Udder Perfection" into the public eye. My oh-so-talented sister has created the CUTEST logo for us... hopefully you will see it on t-shirts soon (gotta pass the group test), and I ordered some .... well I'll let that be a surprise. If you REALLY wanna know what I ordered - donate to me and you'll find out. It's cute.
I also reistered for our team - it links to the team's donation site. I'll work on an official website soon - not that I have free time or anything - but come'on - everyone has to have a website!!
Ok - that's my update for now. Very excited and THANKFUL for all my friends that have already brought me up to 20% of my goal!!! Yall ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!

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