Saturday, September 27, 2008

15miles down... 18 to go

Well we successfully did 15 miles today in about 5 hours. We walked from the Peachtree City Library to Target (which was about 7.6 miles) and then back. We passed Flat Creek golf course and country club, crossed over a little waterfall/creek thing, under bridges, it was beautiful! We had a few blister issues, but overall it was a good walk.

After we got back a few of us went to Johnny's Pizza... and then home to rest before tomorrow's 18 miler. Ok, I'm exhausted... enough blogging.

Here are some pics :)
And again, sorry the walking ones are blurry... it's hard to take them while walking haha


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tyrone Founders Day 5k

Ok - I swear this blog is not ALL ABOUT my 5k's... I'll be posting about a way cool fundraiser we are doing on Oct 1st. I also keep eagerly awaiting the post where I can say that I've REACHED MY GOAL... but that hasn't happened.... yet.

Anyway, back to the Tyrone Founders Day 5k. It was wonderfully chilly this morning. Chris didn't want to get out of bed, but we got there and picked up our LIME green shirts (which I actually LOVE) and then had a chance to do a little mini jog before we lined up. The course was described as "simple" - and then he clarified that "simple" does not mean "easy" and that there were a lot of hills.

We took off slow and steady as always, passed the barefoot runner guy (I still haven't blogged about him... I need to - he's awesome!) and before we knew it - mile 1!! Easy breezy. Then kept on and then mile 2!! Hey, this one is going pretty easy today! After the 2nd mile I started getting warmed up - this usually happens at mile 2 for me which means that I need to be one of those over zealous runners and do the "warm up lap" before I run. Anyway, I started picking up my pace and I swear, before I knew it I was the home stretch!!! I finished in my best time EVER at 26:27!

I've always said I just want to finish in 27:xx minutes and today I crushed that!!! Now obviously to a serious runner that's still pretty slow, but I was totally stoked and finished 2nd place in my age group! (First place was WAY faster than me) Oh and Chris?? He finished 2nd too!! He makes me mad... he never runs during the week and can still kick my butt. Jerk ;)

Well, we went home, changed, and then cut down 2 trees in our front yard. Took 4 hours total to cut them down and drag them to the woods. I'm exhausted and the pizza was great thank you.

No walking for me tomorrow, but gearing up for our 15/18 back to back next weekend

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cleveland Elementary 5k

Chris and I finished the Cleveland Elementary Curious Trail Run 5k this morning! This is the first race in a series of races I will be doing for the Rotary Elementary School Grand Prix. There are 15 in all, and I hope to do almost all of them... but we shall see!

There weren't many folks there that were our age, so we both proudly walked away with First Place ribbons!! The course was great for the first mile - it was all downhill... but what goes down must come up (or something like that). About the 1.5 mile area it all started creeping uphill and stayed uphill for the entire last stretch. I should have listened more seriously to Melissa when I asked "Is it really that hilly?" and she gave a long pause and answered "yeah... it's pretty hilly". By the way, where were you Melissa?? I needed your claps and cheers hahhaha. Oh, and did I mention it was MISERABLY steamy outside??? I would have been more comfortable running in a sauna! I literally had sweat beads on my shins that would NOT evaporate in the muggy air, but I guess that's TMI.

I have to admit, I was still impressed with my time of 28:42 because:
A. It was hilly and
B. I walked 10.2miles yesterday followed by a 2mile run... I will never do that again before a race day. Lesson learned.

Anyway, it was fun to cross the finish line with my hubby and high-five him as we noted our time and made a b-line for the food and water. They had an amazing array of food and drinks... the best of any race by far. Balance bars (my fav, should have taken more), bagels with 2 types of cream cheese, granola bars, crackers, bananas, doughnuts, red bull, sugar free red bull, 3 different flavors of gatorade, water... I LOVE race food hahaha.

Overall great race. Wish more folks would come out to support the Elementary Schools... maybe I can con my friends into doing some with me. Now the question is: 15miles or sleep in tomorrow.. hmmmm

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Pink Road Id is HERE!

So - I started the morning with a 6.2mile walk with Kelli & Becky... and then Becky and I continued on 4 more miles for a total of 10.2! And then, yes, call me crazy - but I jogged an extra 2 miles! It was a great day for being outside, but started getting a little hot towards the end.

Then, I came home to find my PINK ROAD ID WAS HERE!!! Ok, you first have to know that I've been waiting for MONTHS for the pink id's to become available, and I somehow managed to snag one before they were sold out again. (Ok, that's not completely true, but I dont want to let out my secret. Lets just say that the Road Id Folks are TOTALLY cool!!!!)

Anyway, I'm posting a picture of the pink version of the road id.. it's not mine because I haven't snapped a photo yet, but you will find me in it all the time. I freakin love this thing. Not only does it look totally cool, but it's functional too. Well, functional in the case that I drop dead in the middle of a 5k.. or the 15k I just signed up for in October!

Anyway, signing off for the night. Got the Cleveland Elementary 5k in the morning!

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

4 new friends and 15 miles...

So today we had a 15 mile walk scheduled... Walkers included Mary Ann, Joanne and me.. then we had some new friends join us today!! I met Melissa online on the 3-day forum, and she invited her teammate and another friend from another team! I LOVE making new friends - the more the merrier!! The 15 miler was great. We did the 10k loop (with the bonus mile added in there) then across the bridge over 54 and did the Toga Trot course... then back to the library and around the lake. We stopped a few times for blister prevention, water breaks, and potty breaks, but we made AMAZING time!! We were haulin!!

Right at the very end of our 15 miles we had a gal stop us and ask if we were doing the 3-day... turns out she is walking too!! So of course I invited her to our training walks, and just like that - we made another new friend - Robin! She was walking with her daughter Grace who I am SURE is glad we came along... now she's off the hook as a walking buddy haha.

Four new friends and 15 miles.. all in 4 hours. Can't beat that!

Mary Anne, Amy, Shannon, Melissa & Joanne -
We didn't meet Robin till the end, but she will be here next time!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Chris and I did the Toga Trot 5k race today in Peachtree City! It was the inaugural event so it was fun to be part of the first one! Chris and I wore togas, but there were only about 10 other folks sporting them. Hopefully next year more people will wear them because it's FUN!! The course was pretty good... it stayed on the golf cart path for almost the entire race just finishing up in front of the Phi Mu headquarters. There were quite a few hills - not quite as bad as the Newnan races I've done, but they were hills for sure. My finishing time was 28:24 and I finished 2nd in my age group! Another little plaque to hang on the wall.. hmm I think I need a trophy room hahahaha.

After the Toga Trot I headed back to the yard sale.. oh yeah, I forgot to tell yall about that. So my friend is getting married in October and is raising money for her honeymoon - so I joined up with her garage sale and had a garage sale to raise money for the 3-day. I got about $100 and it was just mostly selling little 25 and 50 cent items, so I can't complain!! Friday was the busiest day - Saturday was slow and then it rained, but hey, $100 is $100!!!!

Toga pics (provided by soon to come...

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