Chris and I finished the Cleveland Elementary Curious Trail Run 5k this morning! This is the first race in a series of races I will be doing for the
Rotary Elementary School Grand Prix. There are 15 in all, and I hope to do almost all of them... but we shall see!
There weren't many folks there that were our age, so we both proudly walked away with First Place ribbons!! The course was great for the first mile - it was all downhill... but what goes down must come up (or something like that). About the 1.5 mile area it all started creeping uphill and stayed uphill for the entire last stretch. I should have listened more seriously to Melissa when I asked "Is it really that hilly?" and she gave a long pause and answered "yeah... it's pretty hilly". By the way, where were you Melissa?? I needed your claps and cheers hahhaha. Oh, and did I mention it was MISERABLY steamy outside??? I would have been more comfortable running in a sauna! I literally had sweat beads on my shins that would NOT evaporate in the muggy air, but I guess that's TMI.
I have to admit, I was still impressed with my time of 28:42 because:
A. It was hilly and
B. I walked 10.2miles yesterday followed by a 2mile run... I will never do that again before a race day. Lesson learned.
Anyway, it was fun to cross the finish line with my hubby and high-five him as we noted our time and made a b-line for the food and water. They had an amazing array of food and drinks... the best of any race by far. Balance bars (my fav, should have taken more), bagels with 2 types of cream cheese, granola bars, crackers, bananas, doughnuts, red bull, sugar free red bull, 3 different flavors of gatorade, water... I LOVE race food hahaha.
Overall great race. Wish more folks would come out to support the Elementary Schools... maybe I can con my friends into doing some with me. Now the question is: 15miles or sleep in tomorrow.. hmmmm
Labels: 5k, Road Races