My new friend Becky and I went to the 3-day expo in Altanta today. I met Becky through another local team and we had a blast! They had a few different vendors including Big Peach Running Co, REI, and New Balance. Our first stop was Big Peach where we got to try on a pair of shoes and they video taped us walking. I was told I was an over pronator, but found out I was somewhere in between a neutral foot and an over pronator.. hmmm maybe I need new shoes hehe.
Checking my arches...
After a few stops at some of the other vendors - we headed upstairs to the first two seminars: "Event 101" and "Camping & Packing Essentials".
Event 101 was basics of the 3-day. They covered camping, walking, rules & regs, etc.
The second workshop was called "Camping & Packing Essentials" and this one was really good! A husband/wife team put on the workshop - the wife being the "how to pack" and the hubby being the "how NOT to pack"... it was pretty freakin funny. I'd much rather pack like the hubby. He pulled out clothes on a hanger, duct taped toiletries, a big air mattress, 2 bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka... my kind of packer ;)
After this workshop we headed back down to see if we won anything in the raffle.... of course we didn't :( We picked up a hand full of pink chapstick and then headed over to the camp section to check out our weekend accommodations and check out a tent construction. Tents aren't too bad... we talked to a veteran walker who strongly recommended we purchase cots to sleep on inside the tent. I think I may take her up on that recommendation.
(and no - I have no idea who this is in front of the tent - I just would have felt weird if I asked her to move so I could take a pic of the tent hahaha)
Our next stop was the Remembrance Tent where people could sign in memory of someone who has passed away from breast cancer.
We stopped for a quick pic...
And then off to our last two workshops, the first being "Dress for Success". A rep and fellow walker from REI talked to us about what gear is essential and recommended. She talked about clothing such as undergarments, socks, shirts, shorts and rain gear as well as shoes, camel backs, croakies (sp??), and sandals. Not sold on the sandals.
Finally, we sat in on the "Training Tips and Tricks" workshop which talked about what to eat/drink while on the walk and on training walks, blister info (including how to prevent blisters, care for blisters, and dealing with blisters), what to pack in the notorious fanny pack, etc.
All in all it was a very informative Expo. It was so much fun and when we were making our final pit stop before the trip home - Becky met a few local gals in the bathroom - Linda and Joanne!! One is in PTC and the other in Fayetteville. I think they are going to do some training walks with us!! We found out that Linda is a one year survivor who had a double mastectomy and now has newly constructed tatas!! You go girl!!